Clone International School Bangalore has an integrated curriculum as per the guidelines of the New Education Policy (NEP 2020). The objective is to impart knowledge through Universal Design Learning, an innovative learner-centric approach alongside world-class facilities to enhance students’ creative and cognitive skills. We wholeheartedly promote the aspirations of 21st Century education including SDG’s, while building up on India’s traditions and values. At the introductory level, the curriculum focuses on developing and enhancing literacy, numeracy and reading, speaking, writing, counting, mathematical and computational skills. Through an enriched system of continuous formative/adaptive assessment, we track and thereby individualise the learning process and ensure well-rounded development.
We at Clone International School believe that learning should be holistic and driven are determined to provide maximum exposure through active and extensive learning process while catering to the needs of all kinds of learners to develop discrete thinking skills. Driven by the ideology of ‘Global Citizen’, we provide a plethora of engagement, allowing us to appreciate the world around us and the roots we come from.